Good grammar is credibility... People judge you if you can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're. - Klye Wiens, CEO of iFixit

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have decided that Grammar Gang is appropriate for your little one, you will invariably be puzzled about a few things. I am trying to address these concerns here. If your question remains unanswered, feel free to ask Grammar 'Sir'.

Q. What is the fee structure like?
A. Initially, parents can enrol kids for a duration of 3 months (a quarter of a year). This is to encourage them to try out this unique concept. Later on, however, parents happy with the course are expected to commit for the next 3 quarters to help children retain and reinforce their learning for long-term benefits.

Grammar Gang is intended to be an on-going program. It is recommended that if the children are enjoying the course, parents let them continue for the following years too. Investing time in building a strong foundation of English will prove to be an invaluable asset as children grow into young adults.

The fee for every quarter is Rs.3,000/-

Q. How demanding will these classes be? I don't want to add to my child's homework and fatigue!
A. The curriculum of Grammar Gang is designed such that more than 80% of their work will be completed in class itself in a stimulating and positively challenging framework. The homework given will be negligible and exciting in nature. Children will not complain. There are greater chances of the children returning home more energised and excited :-)

Q. What kind of time commitment is expected from parents and children?
A. The expected minimum commitment is of one year. This is so because language skills develop over time. Practice is even more essential if the child otherwise has little exposure to the language, outside the school.

Classes will generally be held twice a week, each lasting an hour. Classes will not be held during school vacations, school exams and school holidays. However, it is Grammar 'Sir''s responsibility (that's my responsibility) to ensure that the intended portion for the year is complete. Extra classes may be taken if convenient to all.

Q. How will I know how well my child is doing?
A. Monthly feedback will be sent to parents via email and/or SMS. Quarterly meetings will be held to discuss the child's progress. Apart from that, you can always contact Grammar 'Sir' directly if necessary. Performance on class worksheets can also be good sources to find out whether he or she is enjoying and benefiting or not.

Given enough time in the program, one can also start expecting performance at school to improve.

Q. Will your program handle the school syllabus?
A. No. This course is meant to give extra attention to 'weak' students for whom learning at school is inadequate. The curriculum of Grammar Gang is independent of what is taught at school. It is based on age-appropriate concepts and methods, and there are chances they will learn more of grammar here than at school. That will give them an edge when the same concepts are eventually tackled at school.

Direct benefits will be seen in school performance as students start applying their newly acquired knowledge. Also, the program will run parallel to school schedules as that is most convenient to parents.

Q. Aren't the fees too much?
A. Take a look at the multiple benefits this program has. A thousand bucks are spent in a jiffy. But if you choose to invest the same amount each month into your child's growth, you will reap incredible returns on maturity.

Q. Will all children benefit equally from this program?
A. Grammar Gang is the right choice for parents who are aware of the significance of good English in today's times. Such parents may or may not have excellent English skills themselves. They may also not have sufficient time to devote to their child's language development. They may feel that attention given at school is inadequate. Such parents are keen to fulfil their child's need for that extra push and bring him on par with other children.

Grammar Gang is not required for:
- children who have ample opportunities to converse in English outside school.
- children who regularly interact with people speaking grammatically correct English.
- children who already enjoy reading books very much.
- children whose parents have both time and expertise to address the need for extra support in English.
Such kids are already at an advantage; they are probably grasping the language and its rules well enough. They don't need Grammar Gang.

Q. Where will the classes be held?
A. Grammar Gang classes will be held at:

Saraswati Bal Mandir School,
(Behind Janakpuri Metro Station),
B 1 Block,
New Delhi

Q. When exactly will the classes begin?
A. Grammar Gang 2013 classes begin on April 8, 2013.