Good grammar is credibility... People judge you if you can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're. - Klye Wiens, CEO of iFixit

Why Grammar Gang?

There are a couple of reasons why parents should seriously consider Grammar Gang for their children. 

Excellent English Communication Skills are a Must
In today's times, it is no longer a cherry on your cake if you have a good command over the English language. It is, in fact, a minimum requirement! Just like knowing how to use the computer and having a decent academic record.

Good jobs, especially the ones in MNCs (Multinational Corporations) require applicants to read, write and speak fluently in English. In fact, one of the final steps in a recruitment process is Group Discussion which makes many an applicant nervous!

Even for businessmen, having polished communication skills is of utmost importance.

Excellent English Communication Skills Lead to More Opportunities
Building on the above, candidates with impeccable English have a greater chance of being offered a job. In fact, in some organisations, poor English can be the very reason why you will never get a job! Businessmen who can converse well in English find themselves having a bigger client base, since English is widely spoken in India and around the world, while regional languages act as barriers to communication.

At school, children who speak flawlessly are the teacher's first choice for representing their class/ school in various competitions such as debates, elocutions, essay-writing, stage-plays etc. With so many opportunities to prove themselves, they naturally become more confident and enriched as compared to their classmates. And this continues through their college years as well.

English is the world's second most spoken language. Almost 2 billion people in the world communicate in English on a regular basis. It is the official language of more countries than any other language. Imagine being able to speak easily with people of 61 countries. An entire world opens up for you if you can simply speak good English!

Excellent English Communication Skills Enhance your Personality
The first impression may or may not be the last impression, but it definitely has an impact on how you are perceived. Your appearance (looks and dressing), your body language (facial expressions, confidence and etiquettes) and your language (fluency, clarity and diction) are 3 major contributors to your personality.

Grammar Gang will improve the lingual aspect in children by giving them a strong foundation in Grammar which is the building block of any language.

Excellent English Communication Skills are Required for Cracking Competitive Exams
Whether you want your child to become an IAS officer, or get a MBA degree, competitive exams will always have a language component. If you want your child to study abroad, he will have to crack the GRE/ GMAT and/or other language ability tests. What's more, his Statement Of Purpose and other supporting documents such as a life-essay etc. are as much for proving his clarity and correctness of expression in English, as for presenting his thoughts, beliefs and values.

Excellent English Communication Skills Help in Learning Other Languages
As mentioned earlier, English is not the cherry on your cake. Other foreign languages are! The more the number of languages you know, the more the opportunities you have for growing socially and professionally.

Knowing English well simplifies the process of learning other European languages. My wife Krupa (who runs FabVocab), speaks English, French and Spanish. She says, "Learning French was easier because I knew English so well; and then learning Spanish was even easier because I already knew English and French!"

Keeping the above points in perspective, there is no doubt that English is crucial for the overall personal appeal and success of children. How do we, then, give them excellent communication skills? We get them working on the language early. We focus on their basics. We enrol them in Grammar Gang. 

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