Good grammar is credibility... People judge you if you can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're. - Klye Wiens, CEO of iFixit

Grammar 'Sir'

Hi! I am Meghashyam and I will lead Grammar Gang along the fun path of learning correct basic English.

I graduated from IIT Roorkee in 2009. Since then, I've worked at different jobs for around 3 years.

Growing up in Chandigarh, I've always been fascinated by English language and literature. As an only child of my parents, I used to read and read fiction, non-fiction, and in fact almost every book I could lay my hands on. In fact, reading fascinated me so much that my parents often used to clearly tell me to pay attention to academics and stop reading!

My most fond memories of school are those of English class - reading out my compositions in class, listening intently to my teacher's explanation of a certain story or play and participating in recitation and creative writing competitions.

My interest in English helped me secure the highest marks in English in my school in class X (94%) and it helped me stand first in creative writing in Chandigarh in the Bal Shree Championship. (OK, that's not being humble, but... ;-) ).

In my college years, despite getting into IIT (the hub of engineering studies), I was still fascinated by the English based subjects I was taught there. I found a chance to edit my hostel magazine Renaissance, conduct debates and manage media campaigns for my college's cultural festivals.

Now, finally - I'm embarking on a journey, where I'll get to teach children something I'm passionate about: English Communication.

Learning English Naturally

Why is that children speak Hindi so well, but don't speak English as fluently?

I think the main reason for this is that children aren't exposed to a lot of English communication. They are taught "English rules" - but when you ask them to write or talk in English - they find it difficult to naturally apply those rules.

At Grammar Gang, my focus is to sub-consciously expose children to lots of communication in written and spoken English. Grammar is something that is learnt automatically as children start talking and writing in English very frequently.

I want to teach English Grammar in the way that I wanted to learn it when I was a kid. More stories. More extempore speeches. More group discussions. More creative writing. Lots of individual attention. And the teaching of grammar rules, always accompanied by tons of practice and interesting games.

I want to make children "think" in English naturally. That's the aim of Grammar Gang.

Other Interests

Apart from the English language, my other interests include personal growth (I conduct small, real life experiments and write about them), inspirational writing (I've self-published a book called 100 Incredible Happiness Hacks) and reading and writing about Sherlock Holmes based novels and stories.

Well, that's a brief idea about me. To get in touch, you can click the "contact" link below. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.

Have a wonderful day!