Good grammar is credibility... People judge you if you can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're. - Klye Wiens, CEO of iFixit

How Grammar Gang will Help

Most children have no trouble speaking fluent Hindi. In fact, even class 1 students express themselves very well in Hindi.

However, when it comes to English, they think a lot before they speak. And they make mistakes. The same happens with writing. And this is true for many, many children from class 1 to class 9 - and even older children.

Why Do Children Not Talk and Write in Correct English?

One reason I believe is that they are not exposed to enough English Communication throughout their childhood. Yes, they are taught English in schools. But English is not like Mathematics or Science - it does not have formulae that can be learnt and used. It blossoms naturally when the child is exposed to loads of English speaking, writing and listening. Only learning English rules without ample practice and exposure doesn't help.

The Philosophy of Grammar Gang

At Grammar Gang, the idea is to expose children to loads of English language communication so that they naturally start thinking in English. While I will teach the children all the required rules, the focus will NOT be on rules - the focus will be on naturally understanding the difference between correct and incorrect English.

At Grammar Gang...

* Children will not be allowed to speak in any other language except English (even if they are initially weak at it).

* You child will be exposed to lots of story telling, creative writing, group discussions, debates and extempore sessions. These activities will sub-consciously make the child understand English rules while he or she is busy having fun. Each child will get a chance to extensively express himself in English and read and listen to a lot of content in English.

* A detailed profile of your child will be maintained - and you will be given a report of how he or she is doing every month.

* Making mistakes in English will be encouraged - so that they can then be corrected at a young age itself.

* English grammar rules will be taught - but they will always be accompanied by lots of interesting games and  practice sessions - so that children don't just learn the rules but also implement them when they read and write, naturally.

* The whole emphasis will be on helping the child write and talk in correct English in an interesting, fun filled environment.

More About Grammar Gang

Grammar Gang classes will be held for 2 hours every week at this venue in Janakpuri, New Delhi. Each batch will have 10-12 students.

Grammar Gang is currently open to students from classes 1 to 9.

Enrolling your child for Grammar Gang is the obvious next step if you want to take timely action for gifting your child the power of excellent English communication skills.

(The FAQ section that answers many questions you may have about Grammar Gang, is here.)